Holy smokes, a Dinosaur Comics book, unabridged and in full colour, AND with all three secret texts for each comic included! And it is the most gorgeous ever in time. I guess things are looking up after all!
Featuring a choose-your-own-introduction by and two new indices written by me, Ryan: one where I did an Actual Scientific N-Gram Analysis of the comic and another more practical one that includes, among other things, the two different types of phones referenced by T-Rex (ie: "homographic autantonymic homo-"), this book might just be the very thing you need to put in your house to make it... the raddest? It's even got special guest comics by , and ! Look, it's always dangerous to personify books, but "Dinosaur Comics: Everybody Knows Failure is Just Success Rounded Down" wants to be in your life. I know it.
Add a signed bookplate for $10! Ryan signed it himself!
This book contains all Dinosaur Comics from 2007. 256 pages, color, ISBN 978-1-936561-90-2.